"It's worth sawing off my own foot just to see Journal of Awesome one more time!"
This is going to be a special roundup post about all things awesome and scary.
Looking Ghouly. Vintage Halloween costumes. Creepy.
Animal Cruelty. Dogs and cats in costume.
Halloween Mom. Here's a sentence you could interpret two ways after seeing the photo: Someone got into the candy jar.
Pumpkin Revenge. They're back and they're not happy about you cutting out their innards.
Most Awesomely Trashy Costume. Flirty Nurse? Too subtle. How 'bout a straight up slutty costume. One note, I'm not sure this is really a costume. This just might be how she dresses.
Frightening Flicks. Need a good scare? Check out the list of the 50 scariest horror movies from boston.com.
Boo or Boob? Someone should do a tally of scary versus slutty costumes. I'm betting there's more slutty costumes. Here's ten more. Courtesy of Sock Monkey.
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