Most celebs don't even bother taking photos with fans. Not only did Hanks pose for multiple shots, he made each one priceless. Thanks TP for putting us onto this one.
The video staring Terry Crews is pretty interesting on its own. But when the video's over, it loads a special flash player that lets your record your own track by playing your keyboard. The best part is, no matter how bad you play, the Terry Crews ad libs make it funny. Thanks EG for sending this one to us!
Hands down, the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. No joke, it gets better every time you watch it. Just when you think you've laughed at it all, something ridiculous is right around the corner. Thanks KC for this one!
By now, most of you have probably already seen this video captured by Mark Peters off the coast of Santa Cruz. But, I'd loved dolphins since I was a kid and this accidentally captured footage is stunning.
Yeah, it's two white guys from the UK in a rap battle. But how often do you see a teacher and a student (who just happen to be white, and from the UK) got at it? I tip my cap to Blizzard and Mark Grist. This is awesome. via Devour
This is truly stunning. For one minute every year, the entire city of Warsaw pauses to remember those who fought for freedom during the 1944 Uprising. via @ Devour
Done by Thomas Jane, who was in the 2004 version of the Punisher and is a huge comic fan, this short looks to revive the character. I've always loved the Punisher. I hope he gets a proper dark movie.
William Spencer's combination of skateboarding and parkour not only made him one of the stuntmen in The Amazing Spiderman, it makes for some pretty awesome videos.